Sunday School PRESCHOOL The BEE-Attitudes & Let Your Light Shine (Matthew 5:1-16)

Download the lesson here:
Create Curiosity:
Give each child a small strip of yellow party streamer. Play the song, Flight of the Bumblebee. Have children wave the streamer as you direct them: in the air, down low, behind your back, in a circle, etc.
In our lesson today, we will learn what Jesus said our attitudes should “bee” like.
Teaching Time: Matthew 5:1-16
Show your Bible as you say, The Bible tells us that one day Jesus went up on a mountain. He sat down and began to teach about how we ought to “bee” have.
He said blessed are those who… (use the simpler wording to explain the meaning to preschoolers)
- are poor in spirit = know they need God
- mourn = sad for sin, but glad for grace
- meek = self-control
- hunger and thirst for righteousness = right relationship with God
- merciful = forgive
- pure in heart = innocent because of Jesus
- peacemakers = get along with others
- persecuted = when others treat your wrong
Jesus went on to say that when we live like this, it lets our light shine! Others can see Jesus in us when we do!
Object lesson: Cover a flashlight with a paper cup. Point out that the light isn’t shining through. Now, poke many holes in the bottom of the cup with a thumbtack. Turn the lights off and let the flashlight shine through the cup to show a projection of lights on the ceiling or wall.
Craft Corner: Paper lantern
Provide a piece of construction paper for each child.
Fold it in half long ways and cut slits in the middle.
Bring the two sides together and glue/tape.
Add a paper handle.
Sing a Song:
This Little Light of Mine
Group Game:
Repeat the “bee” activity from the Create Curiosity section.