Here is a FREE Lesson Plan for teaching the story, God Loves Me/The Samaritan Woman (Woman at the Well).

Download the Lesson Plan here:
Create Curiosity:
Show a baby doll. When I was a little girl, I had a baby doll that I loved. My sister (friend) also loved it. She wanted it. I loved my sister, but I would not give up my doll! God loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His Son to take our punishment for sin by dyeing on the cross. That’s how much He loves you!
Teaching Time: John 4
Show your Bible. Say, The Bible tells us about when Jesus was on His way to his hometown.
He passed through Samaria. He sat down by a well. [Direct kids to a beach bucket filled with water.]
It was noon so the sun was directly overhead. It was hot! Usually people came to the well to get water in the early morning when it was cooler. [Instruct kids to “fan yourself” with your hand OR blow a battery hand fan on the kids.]
A woman came to the well during this hottest time of day to get water. Jesus was there waiting. [Dip your water pail into the water.]
Jesus talked to her! He asked her for a drink of water. He knew everything about her; even the bad things she had done.
She realized that He was the Messiah; Savior of the world.
She left her water jar and went to tell people in her town about Jesus.
[Sat water pail down.]
God loves everyone – no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
God has a “No Matter What” kind of love!
We should have that same kind of love for others too!
Craft Corner:
Paper cup water pail: Provide a small paper cup for each child. Poke holes in the sides and allow them to put a pipe cleaner handle onto their water pail. Decorate the cup with stickers. You could use heart stickers to remind the kids that, God Loves Me.
Sing a Song:
When I Look song by KidSpring Children’s Ministry
Group Game:
Hide hearts around the room (one for each child in your group). The children must each find a heart. Instruct them to return to their seat when they have their heart.
Repeat: God Loves Me!