I just learned about a Prayer Journal that I just have to tell you about. Beth Moore recently recommended it on her blog. The post states, “This is the journal that she patterned her prayer-approach after…”
Instead of feeling like you have to go through your whole list for every person every day, this Prayer Journal uses a column format. You write the names of those you pray for at the top (husband, list each of your children, church, nation, ministry area…) Under each name, you list something to pray for each day. Over the course of the week, you will have all the areas covered in prayer for every person on your list.
Here’s the author’s example of praying for your child…
6/21 Sleep thr nite
6/22 Feel Your Peace
6/23 ” ” ”
6/24 Patience w/her
6/25 Smooth bed time
Also, at the very top, you write an attribute of God that you will focus on that week. Find Scriptures about that attribute and then pray them back to God each day. I really love this idea!
Here’s the link where Beth recommended this Prayer Journal:
Here’s the author’s explanation of how to use:
Click here to order on Amazon.
The Journal is called Prayers of My Heart. I think these would make great gifts!