I hope you are enjoying the FREE Bible study for kids on Nehemiah that I posted last week. It’s one of my favorites!
A small group of girls at my church recently went through the Bible Study on Lydia. I created a Leader’s Guide for them.

You can download the Leader’s Guide FREE here or scroll down below.
You can get the downloadable Bible study on Lydia at this site under Shop or by clicking here.
It’s also available in print from Amazon.
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Lydia Bible Study – Leader’s Guide
Memory Verse: His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3, ESV
Session 1
Decorate the area where you will meet with lots of purple props. (Lydia sold purple cloth.)
Introduce a CHARACTER WORD for this study. The word is DILIGENCE. Have the girls brainstorm it’s meaning. Read the definition below.
Diligence – Careful and persistent work or effort
The Main Idea for Session 1 is: God lines everything up just perfectly.
(We will see this in today’s session when Paul and Lydia meet.) Read Jeremiah 29:11 and tell the girls that God has a plan for them too. He will line up all the details to fall into place at just the right times.
- Complete Session 1 in the workbook.
- Complete the Prayer Journal page that accompanies Session 1, found at the back of the workbook.
Session 2
Today, we will learn that Lydia worshipped God, but she wasn’t a Christian. (Read Acts 16:14) How can that be? She was at the “church” meeting by the river, but only after Paul spoke did she become a believer. (Explain that they will learn more about this “church” meeting on today’s Session page in their workbooks.) Do you think it’s possible to look like a Christian (go to church), talk like a Christian (knowing all the right answers), but not be a Christian?
What made the difference for Lydia? Why is believing in God and worshipping Him not enough to cause a person to become a Christian? (Explain that many religions believe in God – the Jehovah’s Witness is an example – but they don’t believe that Jesus was God’s Son. They don’t believe He died on the cross for them. They don’t accept His gift of salvation.) This would be a good opportunity to talk to any girls who may have questions about salvation. There is a guide in the workbook, behind the Session pages.
The Main Idea for Session 2 is: Meeting together with other Christians is a good thing.
- Complete Session 2 in the workbook.
- Complete the Prayer Journal page that accompanies Session 2, found at the back of the workbook.
Session 3
(In advance order Zollipops from Amazon for the girls. $4.49/25 with Amazon Prime. Target and some Walmarts and Krogers carry them as well.)
Watch the 8 min video at the link below showing Alina Morse. She is a 13 year old business owner! She invented Zollipops, which are natural, sugar-free lollipops that won’t hurt your teeth. Her company is worth 6 million dollars!
Today, you will learn about Lydia’s business. She was a seller of purple cloth.
(Learn more about the process that Lydia went through to get purple dye from snails!)
The Main Idea for Session 3 is: We should tell others about salvation. We will learn that Paul shared the gospel with Lydia and then she shared it with her family.
- Complete Session 3 in the workbook.
- Complete the Prayer Journal page that accompanies Session 3, found at the back of the workbook.
Session 4
Play a game of Persuasion. Have girls divide into teams, or do this individually if you think there is time and the girls are not shy about speaking out. They must choose a topic and try to persuade the group of their point of view.
Sample topics:
- All students should have daily chores.
- Every home should have a pet.
- Every student should play a musical instrument.
- Homework should be banned.
- School uniforms should be required.
More topics ideas can be found at the following link.
Today, we will learn that Lydia persuaded Paul to do something.
The Main Idea for Session 4 is: We should show hospitality. We will brainstorm ways to do something special for others on the Session 4 page today in the workbook.
- Complete Session 4 in the workbook.
- Complete the Prayer Journal page that accompanies Session 4, found at the back of the workbook.
Session 5
Read Acts 16: 16-39 to get the backstory as to why Paul and Silas were in prison.
In our story today, they are out of prison and go to Lydia’s house.
The Main Idea for Session 5 is: It’s important to be diligent. (Read Colossians 3:23)
- Complete Session 5 in the workbook.
- Complete the Prayer Journal page that accompanies Session 5, found at the back of the workbook.
*Note: The Amazon link is an affiliate link.