Letter Skills: R
- Say It: R says “r” like motorcycle sound “rrrrrr”
- Practice It: Roll the ball and have child say “r” sound when he catches ball before he rolls it back
- Recognize It: Decorate Blank Letter R with rice
- Letter R box – fill empty wet wipes box with small things that start with R (rice, toy rabbit, toy railroad train, red crayon, toilet roll, recipe card, etc.)
- R is for Rainbow – write R on white paper; have child trace beside your r with another color and then another and another…continue until you have a rainbow R
- Find the R’s – give each child a magazine page and have him circle or highlight all the r’s; paste onto construction paper with title “R Hunt”
- R is for Red – if child can correctly say the “r” sound when asked what R says, he can come up and put a red dot circle sticker on you (you will look like you have the chicken pox, but the kids will really enjoy this)