Every afternoon, I will post something for you to share with your family in the evening. It may be a talking point, a short video, a Scripture to read, etc.
We have been working through a list of sins from Anne Graham Lotz new book, The Daniel Prayer.
Today’s Post…
Today’s sin is: Neglect of Bible Reading
Take some time to discuss what that means.
- Are you reading the Bible individually each day?
- Are you reading the Bible daily as a family?
- Why is it important to read the Bible often?
- Why don’t people read their Bibles more? What prevents this?
Pray and confess this sin. Reading the Bible daily may take discipline at first. But, the more you do it, you will begin to see the Scriptures come alive.
Suggested daily reading for tween and teen boys: (1 chapter a day..or break up further)
David’s 400 Men (very exciting adventures of David after he was on the run from Saul up to the time he was anointed king)
1 Samuel 20 – 2 Samuel 2:4
Suggested daily reading for tween and teen girls:
Read the stories of women of the Bible such as Ruth, Esther, Hannah…
(You may choose to use Bible Studies for Preteens to aid in this. Kids read from their own Bibles. This resource will break that down for them and ask thoughtful questions.)
Suggested daily reading for women:
Join us daily on this blog at 6:30 as we read through the Gospels. In three weeks, we will begin reading about Women of the Bible using John MacArthur’s book, Twelve Extraordinary Women as a supplement.
Suggested daily reading for men:
Pick a book such as James and read it through purposefully.