There’s an ongoing debate about whether to homeschool toddlers and preschoolers. The bottom line is, children are learning all the time whether you formally teach them or not during those early years. You have heard it said that children are like sponges; able to learn and retain new information easily. I don’t think it’s ineffective to add in fun learning activities in your day. Children are always worth the effort!
About twenty years ago, I created an A to Z Toddler and Preschool Curriculum and it remains my best seller on TpT. If you’d like to check it out, you can do so by clinking the link below. While you’re in my Shop, please look around. I have created over 200 resources for homeschoolers.
Please share with other homeschoolers! Thanks!
Here is a walkthrough of this resource on my Youtube channel. Be sure to Subscribe.