You can download this FREE Mother’s Day Sunday School Lesson for Preschoolers. It includes a fun printable card craft. A Special Mom Sunday School Lesson Create Curiosity: Today is Mother’s Day! It’s a day set aside to show our mom’s we love them. What are some ways your mom takes care of you? (cooks for…
Jesus Called His Disciples – Sunday School Lesson
Here is a fun way to teach the lesson, Jesus Called His Disciples. It focuses on four – Andrew, Simon, Philip, and Nathanael. Download printable Lesson below. Watch me tell the story here: Download a printable version of the lesson here: Create Curiosity: Drop Everything and Follow SKIT: Gather stuffed animals in your hands until…
Jesus Was Tempted Sunday School Lesson
I teach large group Bible Study for the Preschool Department. Here’s how I taught the lesson, Jesus Was Tempted today at church. You can download a printable copy of the lesson at the end of this post. Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Was Tempted Create Curiosity: Show a vegetable (such as broccoli) and a lollipop Ask,…