Letter Skills: G G says “g” like gum Play a Game: Say G says “g” like gum and pretend to chew gum Feed the monster-draw a monster on poster board and cut out the opening for the mouth; if child can say “g” sound properly when asked, “What does g say?” he may feed the…
Letter F
Letter Skills: F Sound it Out: F says “f” like fish Play a game: Construct fishing pole using stick, yarn, and magnet on end. Make fish cutouts in various bright colors; add metal brad for eye. If your child can say “f” sound, let him catch a fish. Decorate blank letter F using fingerprints Letter…
Letter E
Letter Skills: E Sound it Out: E says “e” like a little old lady who can’t hear well… “Eh, What’d you say sonny? Eh” Toddlers will think this is funny especially if you borrow a pair of “little old lady” glasses and really act out the part! Decorate blank letter E using colored egg shells…