Today is Valentine’s Day! I was thinking that the day just wouldn’t be complete without some “In His Presence Time.” I found a Psalm that is all about exalting Him – Psalm 145. I took some time this morning to read this Psalm during my morning prayer time. I focused on not asking for anything;…
Beauty Salon Valentine Holder
Here’s my daughter’s Valentine holder this year. I can’t take credit for anything on this one. First the idea came from Pinterest. My daughter fell in love with this valentine box from Our Scoop. Then, I let her get creative and she really did! Both the kids created their own…
CCS and GPS Poster Sets
I have been working on and off for about two weeks on the CCS (Common Core Standards) and GPS (Georgia Professional Standards) poster sets that I sell through Teachers Pay Teachers. I blew up the font on these sets and brought the price down from $10 to $5 to offset printing costs for teachers. I…