Here are some photos from our church’s VBS 2019. The theme is In The Wild, by Lifeway. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for a video tour of our church decorations from our very talented volunteers!
Marriage on the Rock
Marriage is for life. Scripture teaches that. Marriage season is upon us and I would advise those about to enter into marriage to do so standing on this truth – no matter what. We are imperfect people. We change. Society changes. Scripture is our standard. The standard does not change. It’s a fallacy to think…
Using the Bible to Teach Sunday School – Gideon Lesson Demonstration
I posted a video on Youtube demonstrating how to Use the Bible to teach a Sunday School lesson. The lesson I demonstrated was on Gideon. It comes from Judges 6 and 7. I actually taught this lesson last Sunday. For preschoolers, I pick out one “sticky phrase.” That’s a phrase I have the kids…