If you’re looking for a last minute Christmas gift, here it is! It’s a Bible Reading and Prayer Journal (for women or men).
There are two covers to choose from. Both have a rustic barn wood style.
Simply print (double sided) and have an office store spiral bind it (about $4). Mine is at Staples as we speak!
Start the week on Monday with the Prayer Sheet, including a place to write requests for Family, Friends & Others, and Praises. Then, there are pages for Monday through Friday where you write the Scripture God leads you to read and then journal your thoughts. I will be posting some suggestions for the Bible Reading portion here on my blog throughout 2017, so be sure to subscribe. So far, we’ve gone through Mark and Romans together as part of the In His Presence series. I’m praying about the books God will lead us to in the upcoming year. There’s just no devotional book that can compare to the active and alive Word of God! This journal encourages us to get into His Presence and allow Him to speak directly to us.
I created this journal last year at Christmas and used it all year long. Mine is almost full now and what a treasure! I can look back and see what God did in 2016.

There are Prayer Strategy sheets in the back (prayers for spouse, yourself, children, etc.)
These make great ready-gifts, but be sure to print one for yourself too! (Upon purchasing one, you have my permission to print as many as you want!)
I’ll be starting my 2017 journal soon! There’s no greater thing than to have a quiet time with the Lord each day!
If you’d like to order, you can do so through Currclick, but I’d like to ask that you order directly from me this time so that 100% of the proceeds bless our family & homeschool. The cost is $5.00, and gives you unlimited ability to print as many copies as you’d like. Simply, fill out the contact form below and we will contact you back same day with your copy of the journal and a Paypal invoice. You will be able to pay online using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.
*Note: If you don’t hear right back from me, please email kathyahutto@gmail.com to be sure I received your order. This is a new feature.
Merry Christmas!