You can download this FREE Mother’s Day Sunday School Lesson for Preschoolers. It includes a fun printable card craft.
A Special Mom Sunday School Lesson
Create Curiosity:
Today is Mother’s Day! It’s a day set aside to show our mom’s we love them. What are some ways your mom takes care of you? (cooks for me, helps me brush my teeth, washed my clothes, plays with me, takes me to the library, etc.)
Teaching Time:
The Bible tells us about a woman named, Hannah. Hannah wanted a baby more than anything else in the world. Year after year went by, but Hannah still did not have a baby of her own.
When Hannah and her husband went to the temple to worship, Hannah kneeled and prayed to God. She said, God please give me a baby. I will take care of him and teach him to love you. He will work for you all his life.
Hannah and her husband went home.
One day, God gave Hannah a little baby boy, just as she had prayed for. Hannah was very happy. She named the baby, Samuel.
Hannah took good care of Samuel. She fed him and washed him and put clean clothes on him.
When Samuel was a little boy, his mother dressed him in his best clothes and took him to the temple. Hannah wanted to keep her promise to God. She said to Eli, the priest at the temple, This is the boy God gave me. This is the boy I prayed for. I want you to teach him how to please God.
Hannah prayed and thanked God.
Read 1 Samuel 2:1-2 from a kid friendly translation.
Hannah said, My heart rejoices. There is no one like God. God is strong and I can trust Him.
Samuel grew up and became a good helper for God.
Craft Corner: Tea-riffic Mom Card
Sing a Song: I Love My Mom by Yancy