This year, I created a very small raised bed for tomatoes and cucumbers. I chose Heirloom Roma and Big Boy tomatoes and Heirloom Boston Cucumbers for pickling that I bought as seedlings from Home Depot.
Once the cucumbers started to grow, I knew I needed to create a trellis for them to climb on. I also knew that I wanted it to be CHEAP; using things I already had at home so I didn’t have to go out and buy anything.
I came up with a PVC and twine trellis.
Here’s how I did it…

First, I cut two pieces of PVC pipe the same length. PVC pipe often comes in 10 feet pipes, so you could cut it in half and have 2, 5 foot pipes. The PVC is easy to cut and I used my jigsaw.
Next, I measured 2 inches from the top and drew a dot. I continued from there to measure 10 inches down and place dots. I did this for both poles.
After that, I drilled into the PVC pipe on top of the holes that I had drawn.

I wrapped tape around the end of the twine and used it like a needle to thread the string back and forth through all the poles.
I tied off the last one.

I realized afterwards that I would need a support for the top of the poles, so I measured and cut another piece of PVC pipe to fit between the poles and added connectors at that top.
I gently lifted my cucumber plants onto the trellis and I was done!

I have been amazed at how quickly I’ve been able to harvest the cucumbers! Since they are small, they grow quickly.
There are many reasons for growing cucumbers. Here are 4:
1 – Cucumber sandwiches are a tasty summer snack. Simply slice cucumbers into rounds and place on a slice of bread. Spread Veganaise on the other slide and top.
2 – Cucumbers are a great addition to any salad.

3 – Cucumbers relieve puffiness around eyes. Keep a cucumber in the refrigerator and pull it out in the morning and slice and lay on top of your closed eyes.
4 – Cucumbers are great for pickling.
Here’s a SIMPLE Homemade Pickle Recipe:
- Boston cucumbers (or any cucumber, cut) – enough to fill a quart jar
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 ½ Tablespoon Sea Salt
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon dill seeds
- 4 fronds fresh dill, roughly chopped
Directions: Fill a clean, empty jar with cucumbers. Put the fresh dill into the jar. Place the water, vinegar, salt, sugar and dill seeds into a saucepan. Heat until everything has dissolved. Once, cool pour into the jar over the cucumbers. Add the lid.