Here is an Easter Sunday School lesson for preschoolers. It’s a very simple interactive story to tell the children.
We created a “tomb” by covering a table with cloth and allowed the kids to go inside and see that the tomb was empty!
I asked them, Why is the tomb empty? They responded, Because Jesus is alive!
You can watch me tell the story on my Youtube channel.
You can download the lesson here:
Easter Preschool Interactive Lesson
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on an donkey. The people were happy to see Him. They waved palm branches. (Sway your arms back and forth.)
Not everyone was happy to see Jesus. Religious leaders were angry. They didn’t like Jesus and made a plan to get rid of Him. (Show an angry face.)
While Jesus was in town, He celebrated the Passover feast with his friends. (Pretend to eat.)
After He ate, Jesus did something interesting! He washed the disciples stinky feet! He did this to show He came to serve others and we should too. (Hold nose and say, “Ewww!”)
Later, they went into a Garden to pray. (Prayer hands)
Soldiers marched into the Garden. They were going to arrest Jesus. (Stand and march in place.)
Which one of the men was Jesus? One of Jesus’ disciples, Judas, betrayed Him. He walked over and gave
Jesus a kiss on the cheek. (Blow a kiss.)
The soldiers now knew which man was Jesus. They took Him and crucified Him on a cross. They hammered nails into his hands and feet. (Make a fist and hammer into the palm of your other hand.)
The disciples were sad. They laid Jesus’ body in a tomb. (Make a sad face.)
One day went by. (Hold up one finger.)
Two days went by. (Hold up two fingers.)
Three days went by. (Hold up three fingers.)
The stone in front of the tomb was rolled away and Jesus came out! Jesus is alive! (Cheer)