I received the following letter note from a friend. She is putting together a scrapbook for her 19 year old daughter for Christmas. Read the note to find out more. I think this is going to be a very special gift!!!
Dear Friend,
I have a favor to ask of you. I am making a Christmas Gift for my daughter. In keeping with Titus 2, I would love for you to share something in writing that you have learned from the Lord on your journey with Him. (Maybe something you wish you had known when you were 19.) Whatever encouragement you feel led to share will be wonderful!
Please know how grateful I am that you would take the time to speak into my daughter’s life. I have asked you to be a part of this because I admire your walk with the Lord. Your faith and example have been a blessing to me.
I pray that you and your family will have a Christmas blessed and full of the knowledge of God’s great love for you! Thank you so much for your input.
I stand in awe of the greatness of our Lord and Savior…He is so good!

She included the note and a piece of cardstock. She also included self-addressed stamped envelope.