Yesterday in my Kindergarten Sunday School class, we had a birthday party for Jesus. It was so special and the kids had so much fun! We let them each make tiny birthday cakes made from Rice Krispy Treats.
Here’s how…
Cut out the Krispy Treats using two different sized biscuit cutters. You could also use the rims of two different sized glasses.
We gave each child a tiny cup of water. (You can use Karo syrup, but we thought that might get way too sticky for our Sunday School class). They dipped their finger in water to wet the top of the bottom layer and put the second layer on their “cake.”
Next, they wet the top of the cake (which made the sprinkles stick to the cake) and sprinkled away!!
We topped each cake with a candle and sang, Happy Birthday” to Jesus. Each child got to blow out his/her own candle.
We made the party feel extra special by putting a nice table cloth over our Sunday School table and by serving punch from a punch bowl. We also served Cheese Puffs.:)
BTW…you could use these little cakes for a girl’s birthday party or tea party later in the year. Also, you could cut one circle and insert a popsicle stick and instantly you have a Krispy Treat lolipop! Don’t you just love Rice Krispies!!