I homeschooled my children from preschool through high school! They are both thriving in college now. The #1 subject I am SO glad that I included in their curriculum was Bible. Do not neglect to include among English, Math, Science, History, Art…Bible as a regular part of their day. In fact, it was a must for us and it was the first subject of our homeschool day. We still had our family devotionals. But this is not that! Bible as a subject is their time to study and learn on their own; to taste and see for themselves.
The #1 subject I am SO glad that I included in their curriculum was Bible.
Long ago, parents taught their children to read using the Bible. It was the main textbook! It just stands to reason that the Bible should be vital in our homeschool programs. After all, that’s where TRUTH is found. How important that is to know today of all days!
I just read Proverbs 6 this morning. Listen to what verses 21-22 says,
“My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.
Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you;
when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you.” ESV
Mothers and Fathers should teach their children the wisdom of the Bible. Don’t expect that job to go to their Sunday School teachers. This verse and many like it are clear, that’s your job Mom and Dad!
I truly believe that the #1 best Bible curriculum is the Bible itself.
Homeschool conventions are in full swing and there is no shortage of Bible curriculums out there, however, I truly believe that the best Bible curriculum is the Bible itself. Show children that the Bible was written for them too!
I created a series of Bible Studies for preteens when my daughter was this age.
These are unique in that, the child reads from their own Bible (an version you choose) and then they answer observation questions about what they read. This is not a devotional. This is a tool to help your child learn how to study the Bible for him or herself.
You can watch a walkthrough on my Youtube channel:
When you’re ready to order, you can get the Bible studies in PRINT form on Amazon here:
Get the Bible studies in DIGITAL form here:
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