On the heels of releasing my Bible Studies for Preteens with new covers (You can watch a walkthrough here), I wanted to give you some weekly memory verses to have your kids work on, especially now that we’re all home and as we near summertime. These verses were handpicked for preteens and represent some of the BEST that you need to be sure they have stored in their hearts.
This list corresponds with each Bible Study for preteens. They can also be stand alone and your child/ren can memorize these without doing the Bible studies. It does make a nice addition though, if you choose to.

I also made a video showing how your preteen can make a very simple Memory Verse organizer to clip their Bible verse cards to. These cards are included for FREE in the download. They include the reference and a space for your child to write the verse in any version of the Bible you choose.
You can check out the video showing how to make the Memory Verse organizer on my Youtube Channel.
You can download the poster and cards for FREE here.