I just ran across this article, “You are God’s Workmanship,” from Desiring God, written by Jon Bloom. It was too good not to share. I especially think it’s a great resource for parents, who are teaching their kids that they are not insignificant and are so special to God, to read and draw from. “What…
Author: kathyahutto
Weekly Lesson Plan K-O
Here is the FREE Weekly Lesson plan that goes along with my Youtube videos this week. Each lesson is independent of the others, so jump in any time! Here is today’s lesson. Be sure to also check out today’s Calendar Time video. Subscribe to be alerted when I upload each day.
Weekly Lesson Plan for Youtube Lessons
Here is this week’s Weekly Lesson Plan for my Youtube Lessons. They are perfect for Pre-K or perschool. They include Letter (Sound, Writing, Blending), Math, Shape, Color, Art idea, Science or Social Studies, and a Theme. This week we are learning the letters F-J. Jump in any time. Each lesson is independent of the others….