This is the forth time around learning the alphabet with themes. Each time builds on the the others. This time, we are learning to read CVC words and a few sight words are being sprinkled in too! Here is this week’s lesson plans. Be sure to watch on Youtube as I do a daily Calendar…
Author: kathyahutto
3 Practical Ways to Delight in God’s Word
3 Practical Ways to Delight in God’s Word: 1-Coffee and a comfortable chair (Yes, we want to revere and respect the Lord, but keep in mind He made us for relationship! Your quiet time is not church and it does not have to be quiet! Crank up your praise music. Sip on your latte. Sit…
Finding Truth NEW book – great gift for dads, men, students, pastors…anyone
My dad, Rev. James Dupree, has been a pastor for over forty years. He has pastored and preached at churches across middle Georgia. He is passionate about helping people find the truth through God’s Word. You can reach Rev. James at He has a Youtube channel where he posts weekly devotions online. You can…