Sunday school – God Delivered His People In advance – post a large heart cut out with paper crown on top corner The Israelites has been taken captive to Babylon due to their sin. God had promised they could return after 70 years. The end of that time had come. After God’s hand wrote on…
Author: kathyahutto
Free Vowel People Puppets
I just posted a video on my Youtube Channel explaining how I’ve taught 1000+ kids to read using my Vowel People puppets. I’m offering this resource FREE for my Youtube Subscribers as I try to grow my channel. Please head over to Subscribe and then enjoy this free resource below.
Circle Time Preschool – C is for Clue FREE printables
Today’s Circle Time Preschool included a few resources I wanted to post here. The above link has the lesson plan and also the Clue’s that you can print and cut to decorate the letter C. You can get the Handwriting sheet and Blank letters by looking until the tab “Shop and FREE” on this website.