I have created a new file folder game. When my daughter was younger and I needed to work with my older son during the school hours, I would pull out a bucket of file folder games and let her play with those. There was enough of a variety that it kept her busy. She loved…
Author: kathyahutto
Bible Lesson on Love
I led a Bible lesson the other night at church. I thought I would post a copy for anyone who may be looking for something to do with a Children’s Group that goes along with Valentine’s Day and love. Love Have everyone find 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. Have a volunteer read the verses. Bang two pot…
The Celestial Almanack for February
If you haven’t given The Celestial Almanack a try, then you really need to do so. It is amazing! The graphics are exemplary. I love that it shows you just what you are seeing in the sky from your vantage point. No longer will you look up at night and wonder what you are looking…