I am super excited to be a presenter at this May Teaching Tips Event!! Please click the banner to pre-purchase a ticket for only $8. You will receive $100 of free product with the purchase of your ticket. Thank you soo much!! Kathy:)
Author: kathyahutto
Spring Cleaning Series: #1 Cleaning Caddy
photo credit: HGTV I’m beginning a new Spring Cleaning series. Each Saturday, I will be posting a new Spring Cleaning idea! I chose to post on Saturdays because that’s my cleaning day. Yep, I do it all in one day. But, then I’m done for the week, except for the regular day to day chores…
Ocean preschool unit
It’s not too early to begin thinking about summer! I have an Ocean unit at Currlick for just 50 cents for those of you with preschoolers. You can plan a whole week of learning centered around the Ocean theme. This resource includes activities for Bible Time, Letter Skills, Math/Readiness, Art/Music, Theme Learning, Story Time, Computer…