I have been thinking a lot about my words lately. I just heard a song on the radio that I love. It is called Words by Hawk Nelson. Click here to listen on Godtube. I made a poster that I’ll stick on my refrigerator as a reminder. …
Author: kathyahutto
Teacher’s Notebook May Teaching Event – tomorrow!
If you haven’t already done so, please consider helping me spread the word about this great teaching event, which goes live TOMORROW! I was thrilled to be asked to be one of the presenters for this Teacher’s Notebook May event. Please click on the link above to purchase a ticket for only $10. You…
Sunday School – Gideon
Our church is using the Gospel Project curriculum from Lifeway for Children’s Sunday School. It is a great curriculum that is accompanied by Bible Story videos, which we use most weeks. Many of the videos involve sack puppets acting out the stories. The kids LOVE the ones like…