I LOVE this resource for two reasons. One…it includes tons of great word cards (over 400!!). Two…this game is whimsical and I KNOW children will enjoy feeding Granny! Here’s how it works… Color and print out Granny and glue her to an empty cereal box. Have an adult use a knife to cut out Granny’s…
Author: kathyahutto
Operation Christmas Child Lapbook
Each year during the month of November, our family prepares to put together a shoebox gift for Operation Christmas Child. I thought it would be fun to learn a little bit about the history of OCC and collect some information in a lapbook as we put our shoeboxes together this year. You could use this…
FREE What to Do When You’re Done poster
Whether you are a school teacher or a homeschooling teacher, you know that it’s tough when some of your kids are finished and others aren’t. I created a fun list of SUPER THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU’RE DONE for that reason. Copy and have your children put this sheet into the front of his/her binder. …