Looking for quick and easy stocking stuffers? This stocking stuffer coupon book designed specifically for homeschoolers is sure to be a big hit! Toward the end of the school year, the search for left-over coupons begins as the kids scramble to find those coveted last un-used coupons. Homeschool…
Author: kathyahutto
FREE Advent Family Devotions eBook – starts today
Our family is doing advent devotions beginning today and continuing for the next 3 weeks – Monday through Friday. You can download a FREE copy of the advent entitled, “In the Beginning…God had a plan, 15 advent family devotions” http://www.rosemontchurch.org/#/resources-calendar/advent-family-devotions This devo takes you through the story of…
God’s Sovereignty – Free poster
Sovereignty poster I just listed to the latest sermon from Passion City Church and Louie Giglio. Here’s the link: (Look for the sermon titled, The Sovereignty of God in the Chaos of Christmas) http://www.passioncitychurch.com/watch I am very visual and there were some good truths in this sermon, so…