In His Presence series Today’s Scripture… Romans 4 Digging Deeper Resources… (I used my MacArthur Study Bible to dig a little deeper today. I posted some notes from it in the Comments section below.) If you find good resources for chapter 4, be sure to post them too.:)
Author: kathyahutto
In His Presence – October 11
In His Presence series Today’s Scripture… Romans 3:21-31 (You may have chosen to read all of chapter 3 yesterday; just re-read it today. There was a lot to soak in!) Digging Deeper Resources…
In His Presence – October 10
In His Presence series: Today’s Scripture… Romans 3:1-20 (You might choose to read all of chapter 3 together; just read it again tomorrow as was well instead of splitting it up.) Digging Deeper Resources… The Cross and Resurrection: Romans 3