If you watched the Kids’ Sunday School lesson yesterday on my Youtube channel, I mentioned that I’d be posting the Family Devotion for this week based on the hymn, Hark! The Herald Angles Sing. Family Devotional Christmas Week Setting the Table… (Attention grabber) Make a list of all the places where you’ve seen angels. (at…
Author: kathyahutto
Candy Cane Printable for Witnessing-tape to mini candy cane
Here is the card I mentioned in today’s Virtual Sunday School lesson. You can download a sheet with 6 on one page. Print, cut and tape them to mini candy canes and hand them out all over town! Let’s be like those shepherds in Luke 2 and make widely known the good news about Jesus…
Virtual Sunday School
I just uploaded today’s Virtual Sunday School. I’m telling the Christmas Story straight from Luke 2. Check back later today for the Family Devotional on the hymn, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, with a special outreach printable.