I’m very excited to let you know that my NEW Bible Studies for Preteens are on Amazon. Esther is live with Hannah coming tomorrow and the rest following. There are 21 in all so far.
What’s NEW about these? They have NEW cover AND a NEW size.
These NEW Bible studies come as a 6 x 9 booklet. This is the perfect size for girls to slip into their Bible bags.
So what’s the PURPOSE of these?
My “mission statement” is to do whatever I can to get people to read the Bible and pray. That’s it! But, that’s IT! It’s the key! It’s the key to falling in love with Jesus, growing closer to Him, and operating our days out of an overflow from being in His presence.
Please check out my NEW Bible studies on Amazon now. Please share!
Link to Amazon:
*The book link is an affliate link.