I’d been giving a lot of thought to Easter. I wanted to be very intentional about having a focus for the day. I began to think about the women who adored Jesus. Women like the Samaritan woman, Mary Magdalene, and Mary who dried Jesus’ feet with her hair. I thought about why they adored him so. I’m sure it’s because He made them feel special. He really cared about them and they felt it. I thought about how much He cares for me and makes sure I know it. I wrote about something that happened to me recently that reminded me of His love and you can read about that here.
I thought about how God is so holy and awesome that Moses’ face glowed after being in His presence and about how the people couldn’t even touch the mountain when He came down to meet with him. Then I thought about how He sent Jesus, part of Himself, to earth to physically be with us. Jesus is so relatable. I look forward to giving Him a big hug in heaven one day.
So that’s what I’m going to focus on this Easter – Jesus’ relatability. He loves and cares for me (and you) and makes sure we know it. That should make us feel so special, just like the Mary’s and the women at the well.
Happy Easter!