Letter Skills: P
- Say It: P says “p” like a puff of air
- Play a Game: Let child make “p” sound to get a turn to blows bubbles
- Decorate Blank Letter P with polka dots-use circle stickers, Q-tips with paint, or the eraser end of a pencil dipped in paint to make the dots
- Letter P Box – add small items that start with P to an empty wet-wipes boxes labeled with the letter P (popcorn, penny, pencil, safety pen, toy pig, etc.)
- P like Popcorn – show flashcards of letters learned so far; when child sees letter P, s/he should jump up like a piece of popcorn popping; keep putting letter P back into the deck so that the children have lots of changes to pop
- Write letter P on construction paper; trace the letter with glue and add popcorn
- Letter P Collage – look through magazines and find things that start with P; glue to construction paper