Letter Skills: J
- J says “j” like jump
- Play a Game: Write capital letter J and little j on separate index cards; also write various other letters already learned on cards; show cards one at a time and tell child to jump if he sees letter J.
- Decorate blank J with craft jewels or jewel stickers (*monitor for choking hazard)
- Letter J Hunt-look for and cut lots of letter J’s from magazines and have toddler glue to paper (older toddlers can try to use safety scissors and cut the letters out themselves)
- Add Ants to the Anthill game – create an anthill using brown construction paper; tape this to the front of the circle area; cut out small black “ants” from construction paper; if child can say the correct sound that J makes when asked, he can come up and put an ant on the anthill; continue until everyone has had a turn; go back to those who didn’t get it right the first time and let them try again so they can add an ant to the anthill
- J like a Jellyfish game – have each child, one at a time, say the “j” sound while bobbing up and down like a jellyfish