3 Practical Ways to Delight in God’s Word:
1-Coffee and a comfortable chair (Yes, we want to revere and respect the Lord, but keep in mind He made us for relationship! Your quiet time is not church and it does not have to be quiet! Crank up your praise music. Sip on your latte. Sit by a window. Enjoy your time with God!)
2-Choose a time when you have time (When your quiet time is rushed, it begins to feel like checking off a box. Choose a time at some point during your week that is open ended and you have nothing else to do afterwards.)
3-Creativity counts (Highlight, mark up, use washy tape, post it notes, water colors, etc. Your copy of God’s Word is yours. Nobody, including God, is going to be mad at you for writing in it! It is a study tool among other things. Mark it up, underline, make or buy fun bookmarks, draw pictures to make what you learn stick.)
This year, don’t just read the Bible. Delight in it! Psalm 119 is a good place to start!