Letter Skills: D
- Sound It Out: D says “d” like dog.
- Decorate blank letter D to look like a Dalmatian by using Q-tips to paint black spots inside the outline of letter D.
- Letter D Box-use an empty wet wipes box labeled with letter D, d; add things that
start with D and discuss. (dime, dollar, toy donut, small stuffed dog, etc.)
- Feed the Pig-Use print pig cutout provided and mount onto half of a file folder;
cut hole for mouth and provide yellow squares cut from construction paper for
corn; have child “feed” the pig each time he can tell you what letter D says when
asked; use flashcards to review other letter-child may feed the pig each time
- Letter D Hunt-give each child a magazine page and let him/her hunt for and highlight or circle all the f’s they find
- Playdough-form letter D,d…also provide D cookie cutter as well as the other letters you have already covered this year (A-C)